Developed a Video Wall Service (Horus Wall Enterprise) using javascript, Node.JS, C++, SailsJS, Bash, and Linux software and tools;
Developed a Digital Signage Service (Horus Digital Signage) using javascript, Node.JS, ElectronJS, C++, SailsJS, Python;
Developed a Geographic Information Service (Horus GIS) using javascript, Node.JS;
Developed a Voting System Service (Voting) using javascript, Node.JS, SailsJS;
Developed a Magic Mirror Virtual Dressing Software (Horus Dressing) to COTER using C# with compatibility: Azure Kinect and RealSense D415;
Developed an Augmented Reality Mobile Application (Horus AR) to COTER using javascript and Cordova;
Developed a Video Conference Nurse Call Button (nurse-call-system) to Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein using javascript, Node.JS, webrtc,;
Developed an Interactive Software (PGR Museum Video) for PRG Museum using javascript, Node.JS, ElectronJS;
Developed an Interactive Software (Bradesco Interactive) for Bradesco using javascript, Node.JS, ElectronJS;
Developed a File Manager Service (Horus Wall Collabviewer) to Bradesco using javascript, Node.JS, ElectronJS;
Developed a Web VNC Access Service (Horus Wall Collabviewer) to Bradesco using javascript, Node.JS, ElectronJS;
Developed a service using RocketChat API;
Developed a service using MSSQLServer API;
Developed a Youtube Video Converter Service to MP4 using Node.JS and Python;
Developed a Rocket Chat's custom to Policia Militar de Bauru SP using javascript and Cordova;
Developed a Chrome Extension to customize Equinox's conference scheduler service (Add-on Equinox) to Usiminas using JavaScript;
Maintained a Conference Scheduler Service integrated with Wowza (Sealwowza) using PHP;
Developed a Conference Scheduler Service integrated with Huawei (Portal Agendador Caixa Econômica Federal) to Caixa Econômica Federal using expressJS, JAX-WS and SOAP;
Developed a Report Software (BRF Report) to BRF using javascript, Node.JS, ElectronJS;
Developed a Stats System for all Horus Digital Signage Services using javascript, Node.JS, SailsJS;
Developed a License Manager System for all web products using javascript, Node.JS, SailsJS;
Developed a Digital Signage player to web signage (LG) using javascript, Node.JS;
Deployed a video conference service (JITSI) using docker;
Created CI/CD pipelines using GitLab pipelines, docker, google cloud SDK, bash;